Criteria for Placement
All individuals, regardless of race, religion, color, sex, age, creed or national origin, regardless of physical and/or mental capacity, shall have the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential while participating in programs offered by BlueWest Opportunities Vocational Services. No person shall be prohibited from participating in services offered by BlueWest Opportunities for any of the reasons listed above.
BlueWest Opportunities reserves the right to make assignments and/or recommendations regarding specific program placement based upon individual needs while also considering the needs of clients already enrolled in program services.
All persons must meet the following criteria for admission:
- Must be 16 years of age or older. If less than 18 years of age, must present a Work Permit.
- Must provide proper identification upon admission in accordance with regulations of the US Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Services for Employment Eligibility Verification.
- Must have current written evidence from appropriate specialist prior to admission documenting the specific disability for which services are required.
- Must have a current written report of a medical exam which specifies any conditions to be avoided, any physical limitations and any medical monitoring that is required.
- Must be able to arrange transportation to and from facility. Exception: Clients receiving Innovations funding.
- Must voluntarily agree to participate in the program, to cooperate and follow all rules.
- Must not exhibit excessively violent behavior.
Other requirements, including signing of required consents, will be reviewed with you at the time you begin the program.
Click Here to download our new BWO Vocational Services Handbook